Safe, Secure and Contactless ITAD Services Exclusively from Castaway!
Castaway’s innovative Cast-in-Box program totally simplifies comprehensive ITAD services in the age of working remotely.
Simple as 1-2-3!
All you do is order your shipping boxes. Place your electronic recyclables in the box. Close the box and ship it back to us using the prepaid shipping label. You’re done!
All electronics & IT assets are collected and shipped back safely & securely. It’s literally as easy as tossing your data-bearing, recyclable electronics into a hopper because we do everything else!
All data is securely destroyed and all materials are properly recycled. We currently offer 6 different flat rate box/container sizes depending on your specific needs, shipped flat, complete with a paid return shipping label.

Prices are all-inclusive!
Flat Rate Box Prices: Pay one flat rate per box. You will receive all the value that our normal pickup service provides. Cast-in-Box includes all recycling charges so there will be no additional cost. Whatever can fit in the box is handled for the flat rate.
- 11″ x 8″ x 5″ Box
- 18″ x 13″ x 7.5″ Box
- 24″ x 24″ x 12″ Box
- 28″ x 28″ x 20″ Box
- 36″ x 24″ x 18″ Box
- Full Pallet Gaylord Box
Plus you’ll receive all fully certified documentation:
- Transfer of Ownership
- Project Certificate
- Serialized Inventory Audit Report
- CastTrac Hard Drive Erasure Report
For recommended box sizes and pricing, use the form or call Jay at (978) 208-4730.
Do you need Cast-in-Box boxes to make your electronics recycling easier?
For details about this convenient service or to order boxes:
Or call Jay Marchand at (978) 208-4730