Service Provider Partners:
Discover New Revenue and Profits in ITAD
Castaway partners receive new incremental revenue without tapping any internal resources.
Add value to your services and incremental revenue to your bottom line with partnered ITAD services.
Our service is complementary and noncompetitive. You’ll stand apart from your competition!
- Provide exceptional, differentiated value to every client.
- Give your sales proposals a competitive edge.
- Physically secure your clients’ hardware and data.
- Add incremental revenue.
Protect your clients’ data end-to-end – including end-of-life.
As Technology Service Provider, how do you…
- Close offline hardware security gaps?
- Seal “leaky pipes” (like unlocked storage closets)?
- Maximize technology investment returns?
- Shut down hardware data leaks and mitigate legal exposure?
Talk with Us
Talk with us at Castaway about offering your clients secure IT Asset Disposition and fully documented electronics decommissioning, sanitization, recycling and value recovery.